This is the story of a Scottish wolfhound called Snarf and his owner, Hekja, whose simple but happy lives change unrecognisably when their village is raided by Vikings.
As a puppy, Snarf is fortuitously rescued by a young girl called Hekja when he is badly injured. Both are then captured by raiding Vikings and transported to 'Vinland' with Freydis Ericsdottir, half-sister of Leif Ericson (who is usually credited with 'discovering' America. Both Freydis and Leif are the children of Eric the Red, who founded the Greenland colony.)
This page-turning story is set against an historical backdrop and the book is both fascinating and historically informative. The book also contains detailed black and white line illustrations throughout.
PB, 288 pages. Suitable for around 10-14 years.
Also available by Jackie French: Night Ride into Danger.